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Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs)

We work closely with the Champlain LHIN and the South East LHIN to improve the offer of French-language health services in the region.

The LHINs are the regional health authorities that plan, coordinate and fund most of the health services in Ontario.

As French Language Health Planning Entity recognized by the Ontario government, we have been mandated since 2010 with advising the LHINs.

In addition to the Accountability Agreement we signed with the LHINs in 2011, we also jointly draft and implement a French-Language Health Services Strategy (2016-2019).

Learn more: LHIN responsibilities to Francophone communities under the Local Health System Integration Act
Learn more: Entity responsibilities under the Regulation on Engagement with the Francophone Community

Société Santé en français (SSF)
We are one of the Société Santé en français, 16 member Francophone health networks throughout the country. We are a member and key partner of the SSF in Eastern Ontario, and we serve as the movement’s national mental health lead network.
Société Santé en français is a national umbrella organization dedicated to working with the Francophone health networks in each province and territory to promote better access to French-language health programs and services for Francophone minority communities.

The SSF manages the funding envelopes provided by Health Canada for official language minority communities. These envelopes are part of the Government of Canada’s broader effort to support the vitality of linguistic communities.

Other Key Partners                                
French Language Health Services Planning Entities Group (the Regroupement)

Six French-language health planning entities have been mandated by the province in 2010 to advise the LHINs on all matters impacting the health of the Francophone Community in their region. Their respective mandates were renewed on December 8, 2015.

Our Réseau is one of these entities, responsible for Eastern and South-Eastern Ontario.
The Regroupement enables the planning entities to share best practices and ideas. Through the Regroupement, we are also able to promote our shared issues and positions in order to advance province-wide initiatives while simultaneously working on region-specific issues.
Ontario Alliance of French Language Health Services Networks

The Alliance of French Language Health Services Networks is made up of the three French language health networks in Ontario: the Réseau franco-santé du Sud de l’Ontario, the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario and the French Language Health Services Network of Eastern Ontario (that’s us!).

The Alliance networks are federally funded by Health Canada, through Société Santé en français. The three networks not only work to improve French-language health services in their respective regions, but they also work together on issues of provincial scope.

The Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario and the French Language Health Services Network of Eastern Ontario serve as both network and entity in their respective regions.