Active Offer
The active offer of French Language Health Services
The concept of active offer is widely used within the context of government services in French in Ontario and it is gaining currency in the area of French language health services.
There are a number of definitions of active offer and several approaches to implementation.
The French Language Health Networks and Planning Entities of Ontario have come to a common understanding of active offer within the context of healthcare in French in Ontario.
In brief, active offer of health services in French is the regular and permanent offer of services to the Francophone population. It is the result of a rigorous and innovative process for planning and delivering services in French across the entire health care continuum. It requires partners to exercise appropriate leadership with respect to health services in French and depends on accountability at several levels: system level, organization level, professional level and individual level.
In concrete terms, it takes the form of a range of health services available in French and offered proactively, that is, services are clearly announced, visible and easily accessible at all times.
The Réseaux and Entities have a responsibility to ensure that active offer of French language health services is consistent across the province. The Joint Position Statement is evidence of our commitment to our partners to work with them in planning and developing active offer.
Learn more : Joint Position Statement on the Active Offer of French Language Health Services in Ontario
On April 1, 2023, Regulation 544/22: Active offer of services in French - Prescribed measures came into force. This arises from the French Language Services Act.
Learn more: discover the Active Offer Of French Language Health Services interactive online training developed by the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario.
The concept of active offer is widely used within the context of government services in French in Ontario and it is gaining currency in the area of French language health services.
There are a number of definitions of active offer and several approaches to implementation.
The French Language Health Networks and Planning Entities of Ontario have come to a common understanding of active offer within the context of healthcare in French in Ontario.
In brief, active offer of health services in French is the regular and permanent offer of services to the Francophone population. It is the result of a rigorous and innovative process for planning and delivering services in French across the entire health care continuum. It requires partners to exercise appropriate leadership with respect to health services in French and depends on accountability at several levels: system level, organization level, professional level and individual level.
In concrete terms, it takes the form of a range of health services available in French and offered proactively, that is, services are clearly announced, visible and easily accessible at all times.
The Réseaux and Entities have a responsibility to ensure that active offer of French language health services is consistent across the province. The Joint Position Statement is evidence of our commitment to our partners to work with them in planning and developing active offer.
Learn more : Joint Position Statement on the Active Offer of French Language Health Services in Ontario
On April 1, 2023, Regulation 544/22: Active offer of services in French - Prescribed measures came into force. This arises from the French Language Services Act.
Learn more: discover the Active Offer Of French Language Health Services interactive online training developed by the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario.