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Propelled by unprecedented growth linked to the significant success of the OZi portal, the Réseau reached a milestone. In order to continue our data collection and analysis activities on a large scale without losing sight of the desired outcomes in our Strategic Plan 2016-2021, we created a not-for-profit organization in January 2018.

In addition to being dedicated to developing IT solutions for data collection and management, this organization will also offer software launch services and data analysis services. Through its close connection with the Réseau, this organization will help the Réseau continue to provide thought leadership in knowledge production on French language services.

This organizational change is timely for the Réseau, which will continue to play its role as a French Language Health Planning Entity, at the same time as the health care system continues its evolution toward planning by sub-region. Thus, we are continuing our collaboration with the Champlain and South East LHINs to advise them in the planning of services adapted specifically to the needs of the Francophone population in each of our different communities.

Many of our achievements in 2017-2018 would not have been possible without the support of our financial partners, including Health Canada and the Société Santé en français (SSF). Our role as a member network of SSF has also helped us continue our activities in networking and sharing our data expertise with other French language health networks in Canada.

