Annual Report 2014–2015
At the Heart of the Healthcare System
Four years ago, we challenged ourselves to position our Network (the Réseau) at the heart of the healthcare system. In its electronic form, the 2014-2015 annual report highlights results that involve much behind-the-scenes work: analyses, action plans, positive relationships, and recommendations to key healthcare stakeholders. These results demonstrate the Réseau’s leap at the heart of the system and are very promising for the future of French-language healthcare services.
Happy browsing!
Message from the Chair

The role of our Réseau at the heart of the healthcare system is that of a Francophone resource — a resource that is characterized by skill, respect and determination. Our organization, although young, continues to gain maturity. More than ever, it demonstrates its ability to build collaborations within a complex system, all the while staying true to its values.
There is an overriding sense of responsibility among our Board of Directors and team. These individuals are committed to our diverse Francophone communities and work tirelessly to improve the offer and the quality of French-language health services.
This commitment is also evident in our individual members – who now number more than 500! – and in our 70 corporate members. They support our mission: they want their families, their clients and their communities to have access to better health services in their language.
Our involvement with other French-language health networks and planning entities in Ontario reflects the importance we attach to cooperation and group efforts. The positive outcomes achieved by our joint actions, as set out in our statement on active offer, as well as the progress made on the issue of linguistic data point to the emergence of a new collective leadership.
2015-2016 will be a year with a solid focus on the future. With this in mind, we will be engaging all affected stakeholders to ensure that the Réseau’s next strategic plan, as well as the Champlain and South East LHINs’ regional integrated health service plans, reflect our communities' needs and expectations.
Line Chenard
Message from the Executive Director

This was a milestone year for the Réseau’s work at the heart of the healthcare system.
Since signing the agreement that designated the Réseau as French-language health service planning entity, we have expanded our knowledge, enabling us to become more effective in our work with the healthcare system.
In the past year, we helped to implement notable improvements to the designation process, to our planning approach, to our member engagement, and to the ways we interact with our partners, the Champlain and South East LHINs, and Société Santé en français.
This experience now enables us to go beyond project development and focus on the long-term sustainability of the offer of quality health services for the francophone community.
This milestone marks our passage toward an expanded capacity to accomplish our mission. I would like to thank our team members for the passion they demonstrate in their work.
We bring our enthusiasm and perseverance as we go to meet with professionals, administrators and decision-makers who are open to collaborating with us to better serve their Francophone clients.
We constantly encounter new players who seek a credible and influential network with which they can collaborate. More than ever, the Réseau is on the lookout for such stakeholders who share our vision of Francophone communities and individuals able to live healthy lives in French. Mindful of the challenges ahead, we can still be very proud of the work we have accomplished!
Jacinthe Desaulniers
Impact 2014-2015

Planning French-language Health Services
Designation Committee, Ottawa, March 2015
Impact 2014-2015
Planning French-language Health Services
The Réseau contributes to the local healthcare system by supporting the offer of French-language health services in our communities’ priority areas.
In close collaboration with the Champlain and South East LHINs, we help regional organizations and initiatives increase their capacity to fulfill their responsibilities regarding French-language health services for the Francophone population.
Our Planning Approach
- Give the community a role in identifying needs and planning French-language health services
- Generate data to support French-language health service planning
- Support designation as a mechanism for planning and delivering French-language health services
- Empower system stakeholders to fulfill their responsibilities regarding French-language services
100 % of the 10 targeted Health Links in the Champlain and South East regions have incorporated French-language service guidelines into their business plans and work with the Réseau as a collaborator.
19 regional health initiatives rely on the Réseau as a partner in the integration of the Francophone perspective into their service planning.
4 recommendations of French language service guidelines have been incorporated into the following regional programs: palliative care (Champlain region), mental health and addictions (Champlain and South East regions), dementia (Champlain region).
2 studies analyzing French-language service capacity have been conducted in the regional priority areas of community support services and diabetes (Champlain region).
The Réseau is supporting 41 healthcare organizations through their designation plan development or revision processes. This represents almost 65% of the active agencies listed in the Three-Year Healthcare Service Designation Plans (2014-2017) drafted by the Réseau and the LHINs, and implemented in the region.
26 designated and identified agencies in the Champlain and South East regions participated in workshops on updates to the designation criteria and process, and called upon the Réseau to assist them through the transition.
4 designation plans have been submitted to and assessed by the Réseau
2 designation plans have been recommended to the Champlain LHIN.

Involving our community
Healthcare in French Networking Opportunity for healthcare and social services professionals, Kingston, March 2015
Photo: SNAPD Kingston
Impact 2014-2015
Involving our community
The Réseau informs and encourages members of the community to get involved in their own health, and to participate in the planning of French-language health services.
Community Engagement
- Inform
- Consult
- Involve
- Collaborate
- Empower
- Source: IAP2, 2007
500 individual members form the Réseau’s foundation as of April 1, 2015 – a 25% increase in participation over last year.
150 Francophones got involved by taking part in a committee, participating in a study or joining the Board of Directors.
We shared more than 630 news updates, invitations and resources on French language health services with our members and our community.
In collaboration with the South East LHIN, 3 Francophone consultation initiatives were held on mental health service redesign and on integrated and viable hospital services.
2 new corporate members joined the Réseau: the Plantagenet Family Health Team and Caressant Care Bourget.
We launched dialogues on French-language services on7 new platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Vimeo.

Réseau Membership
Geographic Distribution of Individual Members
Renfrew County
Ottawa Region
Prescott and Russell Counties
South East Region
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Counties
Distribution of Corporate Members by Category
View the Corporate Members List
35 % CCAC, community support services, other agencies providing healthcare services
19 % Community health, public health and primary care centres, and health promotion agencies
16 % Mental health and addiction agencies
14 % Hospitals
12 % Long-term care organizations
4 % Post-secondary educational institutions offering healthcare programs in French

Inspiring Collaboration
Panel on the active offer of French-language healthcare services, Ottawa, November 2014
Impact 2014-2015
Inspiring Collaboration
The Réseau works in tandem with relevant stakeholders to create new opportunities to offer healthcare services to Francophones.
Provincial and national coordination helps to pave the way toward greater healthcare system accountability regarding French-language health services. Front and centre are the issues of data and active offer of French-language services.
Collaboration with the LHINs
5 broad objectives are set out in the 2014-2015 Joint Annual Action Plan to guide the collaboration between the Réseau, the Champlain LHIN and the South East LHIN:
- Improve quality of data for better French language health service planning
- Strengthen Francophone participation in health service planning
- Include the Francophone perspective in regional strategy and initiative planning
- Improve the active offer of French-language health services through designation
- Optimize and measure the impact of our actions on French-language health services
21 hospitals are taking part in our pilot project on the collection of the linguistic profile of Francophone patients in the Champlain and South East regions. Moreover, 2 essential provincial stakeholders are involved in the pilot project: the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).
60 key stakeholders endorsed the priority measure related to evidence-based data in the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario’s White Paper on French Language Health Care in Ontario at the Ontario Francophone Health Forum held in March 2015.
100% of Ontario’s French-Language health planning entities and Francophone networks collaborated to draft the Joint Position Statement on the Active Offer of French Language Health Services in Ontario, which is part of their provincial work plan.
15 French-language health networks in Canada rely on the Réseau as a resource network to support them in the implementation of mental health directions for Société Santé en français.
The French health networks of Eastern, Northern and Southern Ontario are working together on 2 additional projects: Telehealth and health promotion
60 participants, including more than 10 provincial decision-makers and influencers, attended the third annual Ontario Francophone Health Forum presented by the Alliance des Réseaux ontariens de santé en français and the Regroupement des Entités de planification des services de santé en français de l’Ontario.

Optimizing Our Organizational Performance
Impact 2014-2015
Optimizing Our Organizational Performance
The Réseau fulfills its responsibilities with increasing effectiveness and efficiency.
100% of the 24 recommendations we submitted to the Champlain and South East LHINs were implemented in whole or in part by the respective LHINs.
We delivered 34 strategic presentations relating to French-language health services to steering committees, boards of directors and other healthcare groups.
We worked with the teams and governance of the Champlain and South East LHINs to implement 13 mechanisms to facilitate Réseau-LHIN collaboration.
Our Board of Directors held 7 meetings in Ottawa, Cornwall and Kingston to oversee Réseau governance.
Our team presented 9 analyses and action plans to our Board of Directors on the Réseau’s approach to service planning, community engagement and outcome evaluation.
We developed 3 tools to help us support healthcare agencies undergoing designation.

Financial Statements
Revenue 2014-2015
$ 1,581,856
62% Champlain and South East LHINs
37% Société Santé en français
1% Other
Expenditures 2014-2015
$ 1,571,068
74% Salaries and honoraria
11% Direct project expenses
8% Operations
6% Community participation and communications
1% Other
Data is excerpted from the Financial Statements dated March 31, 2015, audited by the Marcil Lavallée accounting firm.
At a Glance
Our Vision
At the heart of Eastern and South-Eastern Ontario’s healthcare system, the Réseau plays a leadership role so that Francophones may live healthy lives in French.
Our Mission
The French Language Health Services Network of Eastern Ontario (or the Réseau) is a Francophone organization that engages with the healthcare community and the Francophone community in all its diversity, to improve the offer and the quality of French-language health services in Eastern and South-Eastern Ontario.
Our Values
• Excellence • Inclusion • Perseverance • Respect • Transparency
Our Community
Champlain Region
![]() |
0-4 years | 4.9% |
Total 243,915 |
5-9 years | 5.0% | |
10-14 years | 5.4% | |
15-19 years | 6.2% | |
20-24 years | 6.2% | |
25-34 years | 11.8% | |
35-44 years | 13.4% | |
45-54 years | 17.6% | |
55-64 years | 14.2% | |
65-74 years | 9.0% | |
75+ years | 6.4% |
South East Region
![]() |
0-4 years | 3.6% |
Total 14,205 |
5-9 years | 3.6% | |
10-14 years | 3.9% | |
15-19 years | 4.6% | |
20-24 years | 5.4% | |
25-34 years | 11.2% | |
35-44 years | 14.0% | |
45-54 years | 18.2% | |
55-64 years | 15.5% | |
65-74 years | 12.3% | |
75+ years | 7.7% |
Source: 2011 Census, Francophone population according to the Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs’ inclusive definition of Francophone
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